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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ardyss Reps- Are You Mentally Prepared For This Business?

When most people enter into the network marketing industry, they believe that they will instantly make thousands of dollars overnight. How many of you thought that when you joined your company? Raise your hand...

Truth be told you can make a lot of money in this industry, but you just have to know how to handle this business and actually study it to make some serious cash. I know you hear about the success stories like Stormy Wellington, Demond Coleman, and Dorothy Cook, these amazing people happened to be a the right place at the right time and knew what to do with the opportunity, but trust me they all had to learn this industry at some point.

That is why you have to become a student in this industry and learn this industry. The one thing about network marketing, you will definitely learn who You are.

When I started in network marketing very first book I read was "Your First Year In Network Marketing" by Mark Yarnell and Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

These to are a must have if you want to succeed in this business. So put them on your summer reading list and watch your business grow.

P.S. If you need a little more inspiration or knowledge on the industry, check out the box to the right =>

See you at the top,


  1. That is true! I have those books in my library as well. It is very important to know about the industry and how to get the most from it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are welcome Jamise. It is so true what they say, "Knowledge is power"
